Myers and Ruth live in California, USA. He was 57 when he was diagnosed in March,
2004. His initial PSA was 7.7 ng/ml, his Gleason Score was 8 and he was staged
T3A. His treatment choice was Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy. Here is his
Vietnam Vet with exposure to Agent Orange (1966/67). I was first
diagnosed with an elevated PSA and hard nodes upon DRE. This was at a local clinic
for the Vets Affairs. I was sent to Greater Los Angeles for appointment with a
urologist. Biopsy showed aggressive cancer in all but one sample.
November 18, 2004 Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy, with cancer marginalized.
Offered Radiation at the time and decided to wait and see. My experience at Greater
LA Vet Hospital was a nightmare and was not looking forward to returning. Dec 05, I transferred my
treatment to Fresno VA Hospital. Got treated much better - like a real person.
PSA <.10 Sep 06 PSA
Elevated .24 Jan 07
PSA Elevated .30 Mar
07 PSA Still at .30 Asked VA for follow-up with Oncology. Fresno VA said I was
not eligible due to their having to out-source for Radiation. Was told if my address
changed to their geographical area then they would accept me.
Apr 07 Rented a place in Visalia so as to live within Fresno's area. Was finally
referred to oncology and then to a Cancer treatment center in Visalia.
Jun 07 Had an appt with Cancer center and was told that I needed 8 weeks of radiation
therapy. I decided that I could not afford dual residences and unemployment for
8 weeks and transferred back to San Luis Obispo VA.
Jun 07 Had an appt with VA San Luis Obispo and was told that my only option was
Radiation at the Greater LA VA Hospital. I told my primary care PA that I would
rather die of cancer than to go back to the LA VA for 8 weeks.
Jun 07 I paid a local Cancer Treatment center for a consultation. Dr L. was great.
Suggested Hormonal therapy and Radiation, but only 6 to 7 weeks at the most. Jun 06 VA refusing to out-source
to civilian lab - still insists that I have to go to LA for treatment and stay
at the hospital while being treated. Referred to LA VA urology for recommendation
and prescription for hormone shots (400 miles of driving just to get a prescription).
Set up an appeal with the Chief Physician in Santa Barbara (300 miles) for July
24, 07. VA does not get in a hurry about anything.