Kirkland lives in Ohio, USA. He was 64 when he was diagnosed in 2006. His initial
PSA was 24.0 ng/ml, his Gleason Score was 8 and he was staged T1c. His choice
of treatment was Radiation Therapy with adjuvant ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy).
Here is his story.
My PSA started going up ten years ago. I had my first
biopsy when my PSA was 4. Over those ten years I had a total of four biopsies.
After my PSA of 24.0 and my urologist telling me not to worry I got another opinion.
The diagnoses was advanced Prostate cancer. I was extremely angry. I had religiously
did what I was supposed to do to watch this thing and this guy missed it every
My doctor recommend we go for the cure and go with the Hormone treatment,
external beam radiation and seed implants all at the same time.
I had one
year of the Lupron having my last injection the end of July.
My PSA was
zero and the prostate is small and as flat as a pancake.
I'll have to say
the Lupron "sucks". I had great difficulty urinating throughout the whole treatment
and continue to have problems although they are somewhat better. I don't have
any sex drive at all. Not even with Viagra. They tell me it'll eventually return.
We'll see!
I'm having extreme fatigue and muscle aches in my hips and
legs after just walking a short distance. It is debilitating. I don't know if
it's a side effect of the Lupron or something else. No one can tell me. When I
rest for a minute the ache goes away and comes back after I walk a short distance
again. This is really depressing me. I can hardly do anything I used to.
these side effects will subside. I'm praying.
John's e-mail address is: