This web site was developed by a group of Prostate Cancer Survivors from all over
the world, who met in cyberspace.
The site was designed by Kerry, the Australian wife of Gregg Morrison. The content
comes from the combined experience the men and women throughout the world who
generously contributed time and knowledge to the site which was then assembled
by Terry Herbert (who was initially in South Africa, then relocated to Australia) and
Gregg Morrison (Australia).
and Gregg Morrison, 2001 Sydney, Australia
and his wife, Kerry were part of the trio who started the site. Kerry did the
original design work, Gregg hunted down Links to suitable information, Terry wrote
the words. Gregg was diagnosed in 1991 and chose surgery. There were no other
options open to him at that time. He regrets not having had the choice. Sadly
Gregg passed on in December 2011 from a general collapse of his health. |
pictured here with his wife Anthea, owned and managed this site for many years. He was diagnosed
in 1996 and chose what was then known as Conservative Management, sometimes called
Watchful Waiting, now called Active Surveillance, rather than any other treatment
option. He went on to use Androgen Deprivation Therapy for several years to manage his disease. Sadly, Terry passed away on August 6, 2014, after his cancer had spread to his bladder and other organs.
was diagnosed in 2005 with
a high PSA and late stage disease. He chose Hormone Therapy (Androgen Deprivation
Therapy) plus Radiation (External Beam Radiation Therapy) and believes in diet
as a key factor for his continued good health. He was a great help processing
data for the site and especially in chasing men for the updates to their stories,
which are such an important part of this site, before the YANA-3 Project. |
Freedkin Irvine,
California, USA
As the number of men sharing their stories on the site kept growing, the task of uploading and updating
the stories was becoming extremely time-consuming for Terry. In late 2011, he put out a call for help and a number
of men answered. These are the men, and we are very grateful to them all: Tom Dillon, Eric Taylor,
Eric Gamel, Paul Proue, Ron Cassell, Chris Ivy, John Vig, David Collins, Mark
Freedkin, Jon Nowlin, Gary Petersen, Tim Castleman, Scotty Allen, David Bashover,
Don Oberlin, Ray Glass, Dino Brown, Greg Nackers, Scott Orwig, Steve Schmidt.
Mark Freedkin took charge of the project and devoted countless hours to achieve the objectives
of fully-automating the new and updated story processing, monthly e-mail reminder messages,
and enhanced searching criteria. He was assisted primarily by Gary Petersen, who also put in
many hours and had some excellent ideas for improving the usability of the site. Other men also
helped as they were asked to do so. The new "YANA-3" system went into production in March of 2012.
The outcome of the project continues to make a big difference to the men who follow us in finding
information that is helpful to them. After Terry's passing in August of 2014, Mark took over as owner
and administrator of this site, and he continues to maintain this site and keep it available.
This site is for all the men, their partners, sons and daughters, and all those
who care. 
the walnut? Click on this one and find out!
The site is
absolutely independent and we have not sought, nor will we seek, any endorsement or funding
from any organization. In that way we can maintain our integrity and freedom. Although we
seek no fees or payment for what is provided on the site, we do have on-going costs for
the web-hosting services, and printing and postage of materials to our subscribers.
If you have found
this site useful and wish to contribute to these costs, donations of any amount may be made
quite safely and securely by clicking on the "Donate" button below. We are not a registered
charity, so in most tax regimes any payment made will not be tax-deductible.
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Please e-mail us at yananow@yananow.org if you do make such
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